Minty days

These days I get a little nostalgic. Just because I love summer’s brightness, along with its long, warm days. But when I see the first mint tops becoming white and fluffy like cat’s tail, I know the summer is well past its peak. The cooling, yet sweet strong aroma is a powerful consolation though. It

Markets we are attending before Christmas

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With only a few weeks left until the summer holidays when we get busy with picking, drying and making herbal infusions, we are now making the final arrangements for the last weekends of this glorious year. We have been asked which markets you can find us at in the next weeks leading to Christmas. So

Love for Lavender

We are well into spring now and lavender is one of our garden’s beauties to unfold its splendour. The colour, the scent, the bees busily buzzing around, it is hard not to love lavender. There aren’t many herbs around which can claim being as well known and widely used throughout centuries and cultures. With its

To market, to market ? – updated

Spring is nearly here and we are making it to markets again this season. We really have been missing our lovely customers and market goers. We are going to be at  Lancefield & District Farmers’ Market this Saturday. Weather is going to be beautiful with a top of 20oC and maybe a few showers, but

No claims or promises

I will never promise my products will make you beautiful – you already are!! Nor my products won’t make you bright – we wouldn’t have met unless you had already been so bright. My products won’t make you look younger either. There is absolutely nothing wrong with wrinkles, they make you look authentic and tell all

The beauty of simplifying

The question I get most when I get to meet with people at the markets is about my skin-care routine. I am an uncomplicated person and my skin-care routine is even more so. And I am not at all missing the days when I used to cleanse, scrub, tone and moisturise my skin with patience

Summer throughout

It is the midst of the summer here in country Victoria and it may seem like we have more of an idle time since we don’t do any markets. It is however the busiest time of the year on the backend of Thornhill Lane. We pick. We dry. We bottle up. Then we strain and

Happy Australia day and 10% off

We are so part of the Australian landscape – we live in the country on a typical small farming setup, enjoying hot summer days, clear skies and desert-like winds, and our life on this blessed continent has grafted so well on our roots – that we would like to celebrate this Australia Day by offering
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