The beauty of simplifying

The question I get most when I get to meet with people at the markets is about my skin-care routine. I am an uncomplicated person and my skin-care routine is even more so. And I am not at all missing the days when I used to cleanse, scrub, tone and moisturise my skin with patience

All you need is less

It’s raining, raining, raining and I am in the mood for making confessions today. Ever since I was a teenager I’ve thought I had bad-tempered skin, ugly breakouts, acne scars, oily nose and front, dry patches, uneven dull appearance overall. Nothing to be proud about. Or at least ok with. And makeup wasn’t the answer

Love wine? Try this quick mask

With this cold start to the spring here in country Victoria I just fancy a nourishing face mask. I love my shiraz, so why not try something containing this wonderful antioxidant?! Plus honey. Double joy! This quick and easy recipe contains only 3 ingredients to give your skin an extra healthy look: red wine, which

Benefits of using facial oils

This is an introductory article on the awesomeness of facial oils I wrote recently for a larger online community with keen interest in all-things natural. I thought I’d share it with you too.  We have seen various facial oils popping up on the market for years, but what are they? How are they different from

So happy to get this feedback

  Happy over the moon to get such wonderful message about our baby balm today. Thank you Rebecca Boyd: Hey Stefania Hope all is going well with you.  Just wanted to let you know something interesting about the baby balm you gifted me (thank you so much by the way) My daughter recently had some

Yummy face treats

Have you tried any of the ideas in my previous post? Let’s continue with more easy homemade treats for face. Your pantry is full of goodies to nourish your face, so let’s have a look: Avocado is simply wonderful to massage into your skin. Just get some on your fingertips and spread all over your face

Little treats for your face

In my opinion most of the complaints we have regarding our complexion are rooted in our habit to overcleanse our face. Our body works hard to produce the best moisturiser on earth, aka sebum, and we stubbornly wash it away every day, sometimes even twice a day. I’ll be talking natural cleansers in a post

More hand treats

It’s banana season now and we have such an abundance in Australia! If you treat yourself to a banana, then treat your hands too. To the peel! Just don’t discard the peel. Rub the inner side of the peel to your hands and let dry. If too much ”meat” on your peel, feel free to

Easy skin care tricks. Or rather treats

Who doesn’t love skin care tricks to make you feel in tip top shape in no time?! I like simple, quick and effective. I just don’t have time to apply and wash layers upon layers of cleanser, scrub, exfoliation, stimulation, nourishing or soothing masks, toner, moisturiser, day/night, before/after, etc etc…. You get me. I won’t

To water or not to water

I think by now everyone knows how much I dislike water in my products. But I totally love to put my skin-loving goodies on wet skin – it just makes them get deeper into the skin layers and the feel afterwards is amazing. Plain water is great (mind you we enjoy rain water), but floral
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